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Monday, October 26, 2009 |12:06 AM|

WE has moved! to http://www.balancingcars.livejournal.com

Getting on with life
Saturday, October 24, 2009 |11:27 PM|

I keep hearing myself say "Damn fast!"
Like... the week passed soo fast
Every week sia

Wyemin went overseas quite long ago, and he's comin back this coming fri (awesomeee)
But then I said "damn fast!!" again
And what have i achieved in that "pretty long" time?

MAN i have to get on with my life.
I dunno why i keep playing stupid games, wasting my time.
I shld be doing smthn constructive.
Juz cause army is a Lil draining at times, I do admit sometimes i'm not tired but i juz laze around cause i'm "serving N $"
Sort of because of the impression that anyone who enters N $ becomes lazy and likes to laze arnd and slack
But I have no idea why i had reaffirmed myself in that image
mmmm.... (i'm not being angsty or anything if that's the tone it seems here.. juz being reflective xD)

I wanna get on with my life...
and i can do it now

Juz needs a good amount of discipline than i currently have (I dont think i even have much now to begin with)
I need more discipline to achieve the stuff i want.. like the time I studied for As
Ok maybe dont need THat hiong, but i shld have more control and self awareness...

I know what i should be doing..

I miss chatting for a longgg time with old friends. Seems everyone's busy nowadays


Monday, September 21, 2009 |6:28 PM|

Ahh the weather juz turned nice. slight drizzle with a little dark clouds and a cool breeze
(now from my fan. cause the rain got heavier and i needed to close the windows -.- haha!)


Drained and a little willful
Friday, September 18, 2009 |10:38 PM|

Ar my juz drains the crap out of me man..

I really feel damn sian at times. and rly tired. and juz... grumpy and irritated
i wish the week would be over, every weekday. sighhh

It's sick(not rly the right word, but.. i guess i'm sick of it..?) how i KEEP questioning myself why am i even doing this??? and the answer always goes back to my parents.
But Now i am rly wondering...

I rly cant wait to get on with life man
I miss my old friends, and old life!
waking up at 8am everyday and reading newspapers and taking more than half an hour to eat breakfast. then help my mom with some chores and do my own stuff. and chillax. I miss that feeling man.
Damn i know I'm sounding like a kid. but I'm quite tired and so i'm juz typing whatever comes to my mind first ._. hahah

maybe the uni kids're gg through the same phase, but somehow i dont really think so (sry if it is true :/ ) haha
But i dont think so, cause i think the company u get in here, and there shld be pretty different..?
i repeat: i miss my old friends man..
and how we all used to be ):

Man it's 10:41pm and i am f*ing sleepy.
I shall go sleep.
in a while..


Monday, August 10, 2009 |10:07 PM|

'Someone' actually still reads this!
I am amazed and at the same time, pleasently surprised LoL
I wonder who u are (TELL ME ASAP!) hahaha


I realised smthn.
Everyone's JUST tryin to be happy.
no matter how rich, poor, ambitious, patriotic, lazy, "evil"
pple are juz lookin for ways and means to be happy
that's the ultimate reason which justifies for all our actions
(as i think....)
(too many examples to even name one. sooo..)
juz think abt it.

If u think abt it more, why're we so upset with the past? we juz wanna be happy IN the future.
past is crap. like we can change anythin...

So we shld juz be findin ways n thinkin of how to be happy in the future

I made a mistake yesterday. and it hasn't "come back to me"
at first i was like ah shit shit shit shit. later i kena. die
But then, after those thoughts (which i mentioned juz now), i started to think like ok how to make it better. even if i "kena"

i juz wanna be happy, too.
starting to think why pple work so hard.
but those pple prob feel happy when they get their rewards.
I felt like workin damn hard and enjoying last time too
but now i dont feel as much of a passion.
Realised one thing abt myself, that i dont THINK i need to be really wealthy to be happy
which might be a good thing. cause more easily contented..?
but also might be a bad thing since it wont spur me to work as hard
I thought, I'd work hard for my parents.
but then, (another thought: ) my parents also dont rly NEED a lot of money to be happy
i tihnk if they were made to choose, they'd choose me spendin more time with them over material wealth, anytime

ah well

now: juz gonna try to get past these two years

the future is so unpredictable, planning too much just ruins it xD


7 up
Monday, July 20, 2009 |5:22 PM|

i JUST wondered...
who still comes here and reads this stuff!
(prob none) but heck. it's bloggin for my own pleasure LoL!

one of those days. act, these few days've been quite not fun for me. and the worst thing is that I have no idea why!!!
Juz feel sian. (a bit...)
Like... "one of those days" hahaha
Ah well, maybe it's juz a psychological thing.
It'll pass
it'll pass

haha ANWs,

U know the new 7-up ads?
(couldnt find the pic sooo..)
the one with the "New look!" and "Made with natural flavours"
The first thing that came to my mind was...
"New Look"!?
Like... i dont think anyone's gonna buy more 7-up juz cause the bottle has a new look!
like it was juz -.-
and... whats with "made with natural flavours"!?
like... pple nowadays are health concious and all. so its like trying to get that factors. but its not made with natural ingredients! so they can only put that
u try to analyse it more in depth, think one'd prob go 'what made with natural "flavours"' ._.

LoL sry la
N s too sian can think of stuff like that haha!
no offense to 7-up too! xD



Saturday, July 18, 2009 |10:19 PM|

Do pple usually think alot..?
Cause lotsa stuff'd been gg through my mind recently

one thing, i guess it's not impossible, but pretty hard to change urself. like personality wise.
maybe it's juz 'who u are' and that's what u're comfortable w thus it's 'hard' to change.
but... izzit good to change fr the better or juz be who u are lol

ah well. life --.....



Have fun reading? Haha!
Oh. Take no offence in anything
u might find find offensive in anyway


likes bananas
AN ALIEN (right....)


money (LAWL Who DOESNT. (act, put stuff i want here, like anyone will give like that! hahaha))
but i shall continue...
HAPPs (so can be happY HAHA -.-) other stuff YOU cannot give LoLL



ALI Prataman
Aloysius Ho
Ankita SEN
Beishan the crapper
Emily PHUA
Sok Mui


March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
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October 2007
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December 2007
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February 2008
March 2008
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August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

Do not remove credits!

I honestly felt like removing this LOL

Ok u can go on and read the blog -->
liao. not like u'll read this stuff a second time anws HAhaha